Home Loans

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    trust the experts in home loans and finance

    When it comes to important decisions, you want the best advice and support.
    Our extensive experience and personal touch ensures you get the best of both when it matters the most.

    Big decisions need dedicated personal advice. Speak to the Expert Mortgages Team about how we handle home loans differently.

    First Home Buyers


    Buying a house requires a lot of time and effort but following are the four keys steps involved in successfully buying your dream home.

    STEP 1 – Saving for a deposit

    The first step in saving for a house deposit is to set a savings goal. Most lenders will require a minimum of 20% of the purchase price as the deposit. For e.g. If you are looking at buying a home for $500,000, you will require $100,000 as deposit.

    There may be some exceptions, such as through a welcome home loan scheme for first home buyers, you may only need 10% deposit.

    STEP 2 – Pre-approval

    Before you start looking for a home, you will need to know how much you can spend. The best way to do that is to get preapproval for a mortgage.

    To get pre-approved, you just need to provide us your financial information, such as your income and the amount of savings and investments you have. Once we have this, we can proceed with getting you a pre-approval. The pre-approval is usually valid for 3 months.

    STEP 3 – Finding the right property

    Take as much time as you need to find the right home. Then work with your real estate agent to negotiate a fair offer based on the value of comparable homes in the same neighbourhood.

    Now the fun begins! You should take into consideration your future plans for yourself and your family. Start looking at a few properties online, drive arond neighborhoods to get a feel for the area and go to a few show days. Take as much time as you need to find the right home. Then work with your real estate agent to negotiate a fair offer based on the value of comparable homes in the same neighbourhood.

    STEP 4 – Finalizing your mortgage

    Every home buyer has their own priorities when choosing a mortgage. Some are interested in keeping their monthly payments as low as possible.

    Others are interested in making sure that their monthly payments never increase. And still others pick a loan based on the knowledge they will be moving again in just a few years. We help you decide the structure of the loan that fit with your needs.


    The process of refinancing can seem complicated, but it doesn’t have to be if you’re informed and prepared. Whatever your goal and financial situation, we provide you with insights that may help you decide if you should refinance your mortgage.

    Reason to switch your home loan

    Whether you’re planning to make home improvements or repairs, pay down high-interest debt, finance a major purchase or cover unexpected expenses, more than one type of loan could work for your situation.

    Reason to switch your home loan

    Whether you’re planning to make home improvements or repairs, pay down high-interest debt, finance a major purchase or cover unexpected expenses, more than one type of loan could work for your situation.


    Understand the benefits

    Borrowers refinance for many reasons. You might want more manageable monthly payments or to pay off your loan quicker. Perhaps the market has changed, and you can take advantage of better rates, or you want to consolidate debt or get cash out for expenses. See if refinancing can help you meet your goals!

    Investment Property


    There are many different reasons why New Zealanders invest in property. Perhaps the most stand-out feature of real estate investment in terms of creating wealth is the ability for long term capital growth.You may be able to use the equity in your existing home to buy an investment property. Talk to us about your deposit options and using existing equity.

    Home Equity

    Home equity is the difference between the market value of your property and the amount still owing on your home loan. So if the market value of your home is more than the amount you owe, you may be able to use this to get a loan.


    Home Equity

    Home equity is the difference between the market value of your property and the amount still owing on your home loan. So if the market value of your home is more than the amount you owe, you may be able to use this to get a loan.

    Rental Yields

    The return you make on a direct property investment is known as a yield. In its simplest form, this is your annual rental income ÷ property value x 100. You can compare the average yields you might receive on properties in different regions around New Zealand on the Quotable Value (QV) website.

    Capital Gains

    It refers to the money you make when you sell your property for a higher price than what you paid when you initially bought it.


    Capital Gains

    It refers to the money you make when you sell your property for a higher price than what you paid when you initially bought it.

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